
Mon amie!!

I’ve had this weekend off (thankfully!) and have used it wisely, “relaxing” with my little ones and trying to prepare for the week ahead.  I’d like to say I followed your footsteps and got all of my grocery shopping for the week done, meal plan in hand.  But, alas, I did not.  I did, however, get Harvey’s week all in order.

We have recently started him on solids (as you know yourself, the current recommendations have us feeding babes read food at 4 months!!) and have slowly been adding different foods each few days.   We did something similar with June, but truth be told, it didn’t go very smoothly.  And now, I know why.

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Farmer's Market Plunder

Hey you!

So glad it is almost Friday.  Actually, so glad it’s almost Thursday. That means farmer’s market day around here, which is what keeps us out of vegetable and fruit doldrums throughout the week and I get so excited just thinking about it.

Actually, that’s kind of a lie. The truth is, well, I have been meaning to ask you…do you ever feel kind of overwhelmed at these places?  Like, you see all this great stuff (who doesn’t love the sound of a lemon cucumber?) and you buy it with these lofty goals of going home and doing something fabulous and new only to realize a week later that those damn squash blossoms are rotting in the cheese drawer?

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New School

Dear Libby,

Bittersweetness!  We are now officially nearing the end of summer.  On one hand, I am glad because my job workload goes down significantly at the end of September.  But, on the other hand, I am sad because this summer has flown by and I feel like I just cannot believe my little June is another year older and headed into her second year of preschool!  Where has my baby gone?

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Home Remedies


June has been sick.  For almost a week straight.  Not terribly – but intermittent fever, a little cough and runny nose, fatigue and, the real evidence, total loss of appetite.

For a day or two, I can handle it when she barely picks at her waffle or takes just a tiny slurp of chicken soup.  But after 3 or 4 days of missing meals, I’m trying to make her anything that sounds appealing.  You want Nutella in your yogurt? Done.  Ice cream sounds better than apple slices? Fine.  A third cookie would help your cough?  I’ve heard of stranger remedies.

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WE'VE GOT MAIL!: A Different Kind of Apron

We're so thrilled to welcome our second guest contributor, our dear friend Katie McBreen. Our friendship with Katie goes back more than a decade (gasp!), and while neither of us gets to see her as often as we'd like, we love the fact that every time we DO get together, it's as though not a day has passed since our college years. When she's not traversing the country for her work as a high-powered PR exec in D.C., or trying out the latest fitness craze, Katie and her twin sister Regan can be found doling out fashion advice on their blog, Cardigans & Couture.  

As we've said before, our guest post series aspires to shine the spotlight on different ways that people incorporate cooking and the enjoyment of food into their everyday lives. We love that Katie's found a solution that keeps her weeknight meals both inspired and efficient. Now, if she could just tell us about fall's must-have boots....  - Sarah and Libby

Mi queridas....(you know my Spanish is much better than my French),

May I start with, I love this blog you've got going. It's like a modern-day version of Love Letters...but about food...and between friends. And did I mention it also forced Sarah to join some form of social media (Halle-freaking-lujah!). With distance between us, I love the regular updates on what's going on in your lives, and a recipe or two never killed me. So don't go deciding to have third children, thereby eliminating the already non-existent time you have to write...I'm starting to rely on you two and and your witty repartee. 

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True Love: A tale of two granolas

Hi friend!!!

As you know, Tygh and I celebrated our tenth anniversary last week.  As in, 10 years of being married.  Ten years of “Pookey” and “Schnookums.”  Ten years of “Yes, dear ” and “Of course, my love.”  Essentially, ten years of perfect harmony and bliss.

Or, at least something very close.

Yes.  It was perfect. For awhile.  But then something important happened - something that changed everything.   Something that I feared would break us.

Last week, Tygh confessed to me that there was something he’d been thinking about for awhile.  Something he’d been dreaming about quietly, behind my back.  Something he’d even researched a bit when I wasn’t home.

In lieu of eating our usual, amazing, perfect morning granola – our granola quotidienne – the one we have been enjoying for years – Tygh had recently decided he was ready to try something new.  A different granola.  With different ingredients.  With…with…dare I say it?  With quinoa.


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WE'VE GOT MAIL!: Crispy Broccoli & Blue

Many of our closest friends are knowledgable foodies and incredible cooks.  And many have shared recipes with us over the years that have inspired us or gotten us through dinnertime disasters.  We thought it would be so wonderful to share their insight and recipes with others!  So, we decided to start a monthly (or maybe bi-weekly?) guest blog, whereby friends and family are encouraged to write us and share a favorite, tried and true recipe.

Our first guest post is here!  It is by Sarah Nicholson, a friend of both of ours from college.  Sarah is mother to a toddler, wife to an army lawyer and a lawyer herself - so her plate is full (pun intended!). You can find more about her and her adventures in her own blog, Are We Home Yet?, a beautiful tribute to her family and travels.  Meanwhile, enjoy a little taste of her life here!


Dear Sarah and Libby,

I apologize for asking you to turn on your oven.  I have been visiting family in Seattle where, until today, summer can be fairly temperate.  The day I decided to make this recipe we set a record of 93 degrees.  And, we Pacific Northwesterners don’t do air conditioning.  Thus, if you’re in the same boat, I am sorry.

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