So Hot Right Now

Hey, Sar!

We've been in our new house for two months now and let me tell you... I am in heaven.  We have functional family living space, an office for Chris (office, pfffffft - try dark room in the back of the house where he can watch nerdy sci-fi movies and play video games), and an amazing safe and quiet neighborhood. After living in a 595 square foot condo with a shared closet, then an old home built in 1918 on a busy street, I am thrilled. I love coming home everyday and have become a total hermit, err, homebody.  But the road to bliss was long, paved with uncertainty in a crazy real estate market, and not to mention 37 days of living with my parents on their 6-acre homestead (not that I was counting.  Mom, if you are reading this, I love you).  And, seriously, what is it about pregnancy and the impending second child that makes one think, "Hey, this is a great time to move!!"  And, let's not even talk about the gawd-awful Seattle real estate market.

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