Quickie Tactics

Everyone knows that babies are not good for your sex life.  I mean – I’m pretty sure there are books about it.  At the very least, Googling “sex after baby” should get you a significant number of hits: lack of sleep, body issues, overall stress of being entirely responsible for the life of another human being. And yet, no one seems to give as much credit to a pre-schooler for a parent’s dwindling libido.  No one ever seems to say as much about how a talking, walking, sleeping little person can still beat it out of you – pun totally intended.

'Cause, I have to admit, when it comes to babies, we got a pretty good thing going here with Harvey.  I mean, I totally don’t want to jinx it, but basically he is like a mini version of Tygh – or, at least, how Tygh used to be before we had kids (we are both suffering from some form of PTSD). Harvey is a good eater, a good sleeper, shits regularly, smiles constantly and really only fusses when he wants a breast in his mouth.  Like I said: just like Tygh.

June, on the other hand, may be responsible for her parents’ divorce.  Now, up until recently, June has really been a model child.  I mean, she had her moments of crying or being pissy, but usually that was referable to her being over-tired or hungry.  She has always pretty much gone with the flow, listening to rules, taking baths, going to bed without a problem, voluntarily taking a time-out when she felt herself getting overwhelemed (I know, a little weird), etc.  But, now she is three.  And a half.  And there is a new baby to compete with.  And, dammit, she will not be outdone.

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