About a Brownie

My dearest friend,

Be forewarned:

If you are on a 30-day cleanse, don’t read this.  If you are avoiding refined sugar, superfluous oils and fats, processed nut butters or pleasure in general, stop reading. If you are looking at this while beginning a 13-mile run or heading to pilates, I’m begging you, look away.  Because, once you start, you won’t be able to stop.  You won’t be able to say no.  The life you have been leading, nay, striving for, will cease to exist as you know it.

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Momma's See-cret

Ah, Libs -

What is it about coming home?  I mean, to your parents' house?  I have a place of my own, a husband, kids, career – and yet, there is something about driving up to my childhood home that makes me let out a big breath and relax.  I’d like to say it’s the smell of the surrounding apple and cherry orchards that are heavy with ripening fruit. Or that it’s the anticipation of the summer sunset that is always red and orange and stunning.  Or even that it’s all the fond memories I have: you know, the ones of torturing my little brother or sneaking out with high school friends. 

But the truth is, coming “home” is so great because my mom is there.  And, as you can attest, nobody – but nobody - pampers like a mom.

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My Frozen Confession…


So, has Dash seen Frozen?  Cause if not, he's like the only kid out of the womb who hasn't.  Not that I'm encouraging you take your 2.5 year old to a movie.  Cause TV is bad for kids. 

We have this rule in our house: No TV during the week. It sounds harsh, doesn’t it?  Old-school, almost.  But, I love this rule.  In my mind, it’s genius.  Why? Because, it falsely assures me that I am the only one breaking it, that Tygh obeys it without question, and that, therefore, June is not getting too much TV.

I know, I know.  It's not very Seattle-ish of me, or enlightened.  I SHOULD be reading her endless books, challenging her little mind with playful puzzles, playing dress-up to encourage her imagination (and fashion sense).  We should be one of those families who hides the TV behind moveable artwork, or better yet, doesn’t have a TV at all.  But at the end of a stressful workday, it’s all I can do to make her brush her teeth.  So, more often then I’d like to admit, TV wins.

Enter yesterday: long day, longer commute, pornstar boobs (missed a pump session) and a screaming, witching hour baby.  And while I was wrestling with making us sandwiches for “dinner,” June casually asks if she can watch Frozen. For the 100th time. 

I didn’t even put up a fight.

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Quickie Tactics

Everyone knows that babies are not good for your sex life.  I mean – I’m pretty sure there are books about it.  At the very least, Googling “sex after baby” should get you a significant number of hits: lack of sleep, body issues, overall stress of being entirely responsible for the life of another human being. And yet, no one seems to give as much credit to a pre-schooler for a parent’s dwindling libido.  No one ever seems to say as much about how a talking, walking, sleeping little person can still beat it out of you – pun totally intended.

'Cause, I have to admit, when it comes to babies, we got a pretty good thing going here with Harvey.  I mean, I totally don’t want to jinx it, but basically he is like a mini version of Tygh – or, at least, how Tygh used to be before we had kids (we are both suffering from some form of PTSD). Harvey is a good eater, a good sleeper, shits regularly, smiles constantly and really only fusses when he wants a breast in his mouth.  Like I said: just like Tygh.

June, on the other hand, may be responsible for her parents’ divorce.  Now, up until recently, June has really been a model child.  I mean, she had her moments of crying or being pissy, but usually that was referable to her being over-tired or hungry.  She has always pretty much gone with the flow, listening to rules, taking baths, going to bed without a problem, voluntarily taking a time-out when she felt herself getting overwhelemed (I know, a little weird), etc.  But, now she is three.  And a half.  And there is a new baby to compete with.  And, dammit, she will not be outdone.

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