Let's Dish

Hey you-

So, remember when we were living in France after graduation, and there were times—especially in the beginning—when we would experience overwhelming pangs of homesickness? When we’d question our radical decision to move to Europe when all our friends were taking a year off to ski, hang out with each other, and just generally live the Good Life before becoming Grown-Ups and settling in to start the Rest Of Our Lives?

Thousands of miles away, you and I would cope with moments of self-doubt by finding little ways to treat ourselves—indulging in something truly “French” that would provide reassurance about our decision to pursue this path.  We’d allow ourselves that third pain au chocolat, spend an afternoon smelling fancy perfumes at Galleries Lafayette, or even just wander around eeeeeeeeeextra slowly through the supermarché? (As foodies, let’s face it, there was no better pastime than cruising the aisles of the market looking at exotic French yogurts.)

Well, it dawned on me the other day that I still seek out those little moments that elevate the day-to-day. My parents were here for a visit last week, and one day my mom brought home this dish towel, and ever since she hung it on the oven door, it’s made me smile when making dinner at 9:30pm, after even the toughest of days. 

Here are a few others I’ve had my eye on lately. Bonus: in a pinch, any of them can double as a burp cloth.

From top:

Emily McDowell Inc.
Sur La Table.

Who else is making cute dish towels?