
So, Tygh and I have officially – and permanently – decided we are done having kids.  Two is it for us.  I maybe would have considered 3, but then likely he or she would have had to be raised by wolves, because Tygh and I are already stretched to the max for child-rearing time.

I was a little sniffly at first (how can this part of my life already be over?) but then I woke up from 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep and thought, nah, good decision.

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Company Crisp


Do you ever have that moment of panic when you have been invited to a friend’s for dinner or to a colleague's for a barbecue and you offer to bring something and they say “YES!” and then you forget about it until the day of and you think “SHIT! I said I would bring something!” and you’ve got like 2 hours ‘till you need to be there?

Well, if so, then I offer some important tips:

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Mud Pie Madness

Dearest Libby,

One of mankind's greatest creations is ice cream.  I mean it.  A divine creation, it has helped to separate us from the rest of the animal kingdom.  Think about it: rich yet refreshing, cold and creamy, yet lovely with chunky bits, good in summer or winter, loved by young and old and sooooooo many flavors, few could be dissatisfied. I have heard of people who do not like ice cream, but they presumably live in far away lands, or at least, I have been fortunate enough to avoid them.  

In all fairness, my love of ice cream started years ago.  You see, my mom started running when I was a toddler.  I only vaguely remember her leaving to run with friends or by herself.  But I always remembered her coming back.  Because, then, she would take me out for ice cream.

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About a Brownie

My dearest friend,

Be forewarned:

If you are on a 30-day cleanse, don’t read this.  If you are avoiding refined sugar, superfluous oils and fats, processed nut butters or pleasure in general, stop reading. If you are looking at this while beginning a 13-mile run or heading to pilates, I’m begging you, look away.  Because, once you start, you won’t be able to stop.  You won’t be able to say no.  The life you have been leading, nay, striving for, will cease to exist as you know it.

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The Wee Hours

Hey you!

I know you have been swamped with the recent move, the new job and kids, so I imagine you have been getting up earlier and earlier just to get a few things done without a million interruptions.  

I remember when I was younger and my parents would voluntarily get up at 5am, before everyone was awake, even on the weekends.  I always thought that was so bizarre - why wouldn't you sleep for as long as you possibly could?  What could be so important that you would have to get up at 5am to do it?  And is this why they were nearly narcoleptic at 9pm on the couch every night?

Now, I understand.  Now I realize that the only time of the day during which there are no children, and one is not yet worn out by a day with children, is at 5 in the morning.  

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Found Recipes

Dear Libby,

I'm not sure I have ever told you this, but I am a total NPR nerd.  I listen to it every time I am in the car.  I love it because while it is a news source, I am just as likely to get a human interest story about bird watching or a quick lecture on the negative effects of plutonium in my water source.  I realize that makes me not very fun sounding.  But, maybe the following will make up for that.

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Fiddler on the Roof. And Cheesecake.

Hey you,

I feel like I have been MIA, but work has been nuts and we've been sustaining on bread and cheese for about two weeks.  But as we head into the holiday season, I am realizing how important it is to try and slow down and take stock of each day.  Plus, Tygh's birthday was this weekend so I had the perfect excuse to do nothing but eat.

Tygh and I have never been a huge “tradition” couple.  This isn’t to say we don’t like traditions – we do.  But after ten years of training, where one of us was always on-call or at the hospital for nearly every holiday and/or birthday, we’ve learned to make our tradition one of flexibility.  In fact, one of my favorite Thanksgiving memories was coming home after an 8a-10p shift and sharing store-bought lasagne and cheap wine.

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Bastille Day 2014

Bonjour Billy,

I was thinking so much about France last week (as I mentally prepared for Bastille day) and I was remembering how, when we lived there, so many French people literally couldn’t say “Libby” so it always came out “Billy.”  It still makes me laugh.

I know you were traveling home from Montana on Bastille Day, so my guess is you didn’t do too much to commemorate.  I, however, missed the Fourth of July since I was working.  But, since Tygh and I were both off this past Monday, I decided to make up for it in spades by celebrating the French Day of Independence with gusto.  Really, it just means I made and ate a lot of food.  But it did have a French theme.

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